Quail Creek 5k

February 28, 2015

Preliminary (unofficial) results, posted 2/28/15, 10:40 AM

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age Division Div. Pl. Sex Sex Pl.
    1     17:39.8   5:41.1    163  Robert Seaman, Dirty South          36  M35-39       1    M     1
    2     17:40.9   5:41.5    165  Craig Curley, Tucson                27  M25-29       1    M     2
    3     21:11.8   6:49.4    166  Andrew Arias, Rio Rico              17  M10-19       1    M     3
    4     21:21.5   6:52.5    219  Sharon Kolarik, Tucson              56  F55-59       1    F     1
    5     22:34.9   7:16.1    106  Alec Briones, Sahuarita             62  M60-64       1    M     4
    6     23:51.4   7:40.7    215  Emily Mass, Tucson                  24  F20-24       1    F     2
    7     25:07.4   8:05.2    169  Channing Porter, Sahuarita           9  M01-09       1    M     5
    8     25:08.9   8:05.7    176  Ray Kunselman, Laramie              73  M70-74       1    M     6
    9     25:13.1   8:07.1    214  Chris Bellows, Green valley         42  M40-44       1    M     7
   10     25:16.3   8:08.0    192  Joseph Ciaramitaro, Tucson          65  M65-69       1    M     8
   11     25:31.3   8:12.9    220  Steve Taggart, Tucson               53  M50-54       1    M     9
   12     25:42.6   8:16.5    164  Janeth Vega, Mexico                 23  F20-24       2    F     3
   13     25:57.8   8:21.4    160  John Van Veldhuizen, Green Valley   65  M60-64       2    M    10
   14     26:06.1   8:24.1    209  Stacy Cunningham, Green valley      42  F40-44       1    F     4
   15     26:26.4   8:30.6    216  Amy Jo Taormina, Sahuarita          41  F40-44       2    F     5
   16     26:34.5   8:33.3    126  Hank Larsen, GLENCOE                74  M70-74       2    M    11
   17     26:59.6   8:41.3    183  Mary-Jean Cooley, Green Valley      54  F50-54       1    F     6
   18     27:33.6   8:52.3    218  Jean Bustard, Tucson                57  F55-59       2    F     7
   19     27:49.8   8:57.5    120  Gary Giese, Tucson                  71  M70-74       3    M    12
   20     28:03.3   9:01.8    187  John Oyala, Green Valley            72  M70-74       4    M    13
   21     28:30.0   9:10.4    117  Nancy Fuller, Tucson                64  F60-64       1    F     8
   22     29:39.1   9:32.7    162  Peter Zeh, Green Valley             68  M65-69       2    M    14
   23     29:51.8   9:36.7    128  Jay Lindbergh, Tucson               63  M60-64       3    M    15
   24     30:01.5   9:39.8    208  Mike Fenner, Green valley           66  M65-69       3    M    16
   25     30:08.8   9:42.2    150  MJ Schrupp, Green Valley            63  F60-64       2    F     9
   26     30:40.9   9:52.5    136  Margaret McNamara, Green Valley     60  F60-64       3    F    10
   27     30:59.9   9:58.6    196  Megan Phaneuf, Nogales              35  F35-39       1    F    11
   28     31:14.4  10:03.3    156  Gregory Thomas, Sterling Heights    57  M55-59       1    M    17
   29     31:45.5  10:13.3    114  Alvaro Enciso, Tucson               69  M65-69       4    M    18
   30     32:07.3  10:20.3    130  Gretchen Malaski, Oracle            65  F65-69       1    F    12
   31     32:51.8  10:34.7    227  Jan Thompson, Green valley          76  M75-99       1    M    19
   32     33:02.3  10:38.0    231  Patricia Stern, Tucson              45  F45-49       1    F    13
   33     33:11.8  10:41.1    115  Shirley Fearheiley, Harrisburg      56  F55-59       3    F    14
   34     33:17.0  10:42.8    180  Pat Hendershott, Green Valley       75  M75-99       2    M    20
   35     33:28.5  10:46.5    137  Maryellen Mencimer, Green Valley    67  F65-69       2    F    15
   36     33:35.0  10:48.6    194  Robert Rand, Green Valley           70  M70-74       5    M    21
   37     33:48.9  10:53.0    145  Cheryl Palen, Green Valley          61  F60-64       4    F    16
   38     34:19.8  11:03.0    207  Russell Riroder, Green Valley       64  M60-64       4    M    22
   39     34:58.6  11:15.5    210  Vicki Gricius, Vail                 57  F55-59       4    F    17
   40     36:02.6  11:36.1    118  Karen Gallagher, Tucson             64  F60-64       5    F    18
   41     36:15.8  11:40.4    119  Mary Ganapol, Tucson                59  F55-59       5    F    19
   42     36:17.1  11:40.7    132  Jim Mandel, Tucson                  66  M65-69       5    M    23
   43     36:52.0  11:52.0    500  Diego Farjado, Tucson               13  M10-19       2    M    24
   44     36:52.0  11:52.0    501  Farjado Jp, Tucson                  51  M50-54       2    M    25
   45     37:30.1  12:04.3    121  William (Bill) Gugins, Green Valley 73  M70-74       6    M    26
   46     37:53.8  12:11.9    134  John McGee, Green Valley            73  M70-74       7    M    27
   47     38:26.5  12:22.4    127  Alaina Levine, Tucson               40  F40-44       3    F    20
   48     38:42.6  12:27.6    201  Sandra Augustin, Green Valley       70  F70-74       1    F    21
   49     38:43.6  12:27.9    200  Carmen Augustin, Green Valley       72  M70-74       8    M    28
   50     38:45.8  12:28.6    110  Jerry Devnick, Green Valley         64  M60-64       5    M    29
   51     39:47.8  12:48.6    129  Connie Lopez, Tucson                64  F60-64       6    F    22
   52     40:04.6  12:54.0    135  Peggy McGee, Green Valley           70  F70-74       2    F    23
   53     40:24.8  13:00.5    159  Kathy Tucker, Green Valley          67  F65-69       3    F    24
   54     40:51.1  13:08.9    181  Kristine Oscarson, Green Valley     59  F55-59       6    F    25
   55     40:52.1  13:09.3    182  Richard Oscarson, Green Valley      61  M60-64       6    M    30
   56     41:43.1  13:25.7    138  Dwight Monberg, Green Valley        56  M55-59       2    M    31
   57     42:01.6  13:31.7    101  Marie Barth, Green Valley           71  F70-74       3    F    26
   58     44:48.1  14:25.2    112  Brad Dubuc, Green Valley            55  M55-59       3    M    32
   59     45:31.3  14:39.1    107  Merle Capps, Sahuarita              71  F70-74       4    F    27
   60     46:27.3  14:57.2    140  Peggy Mulcahy, Green Valley         58  F55-59       7    F    28
   61     46:28.5  14:57.5    191  Martha Oyala, Green Valley          69  F65-69       4    F    29
   62     48:09.5  15:30.0    157  Glenn Thompson, Green Valley        67  M65-69       6    M    33
   63     48:40.1  15:39.9    158  Louise Thompson, Green Valley       63  F60-64       7    F    30
   64     48:41.1  15:40.2    122  Geneva Halliday, Tucson             63  F60-64       8    F    31
   65     49:13.3  15:50.6    131  Ray Malaski, Oracle                 63  M60-64       7    M    34
   66     49:21.8  15:53.3    170  Auley Wittnam, Vail                  7  M01-09       2    M    35
   67     49:23.3  15:53.8    223  Amy Helland, Tucson                 32  F30-34       1    F    32
   68     49:25.1  15:54.4    222  Michael Shultz, Sahuarita           29  M25-29       2    M    36
   69     49:25.3  15:54.4    173  Matt Wittnam, Vail                  37  M35-39       2    M    37
   70     49:39.3  15:59.0    228  Harry Waldapfel, Tucson             60  M60-64       8    M    38
   71     50:49.8  16:21.6    109  Colleen Curran, Green Valley        61  F60-64       9    F    33
   72     50:50.8  16:22.0    154  Brad Smith, Sahuarita               63  M60-64       9    M    39
   73     51:54.5  16:42.5    213  Janna Culberg, Green valley         75  F75-99       1    F    34
   74     53:00.3  17:03.6    229                                   
   75     53:01.8  17:04.2    185  Judy Hayes, Green Valley            65  F65-69       5    F    35
   76     53:03.6  17:04.7    184  Linda Bishop, Green Valley          61  F60-64      10    F    36
   77     53:06.1  17:05.5    105  Jane Bottlinger, Green Valley       66  F65-69       6    F    37
   78     53:08.6  17:06.3    202  Anne Jones, Green Valley            70  F70-74       5    F    38
   79     53:10.8  17:07.0    104  James Bottlinger, Green Valley      74  M70-74       9    M    40
   80     53:20.3  17:10.1    217  Marylynne Fischer, Green valley     74  F70-74       6    M    41
   81     53:20.6  17:10.2    197  Nancy Lammers, Green Valley         72  F70-74       7    F    39
   82     53:57.8  17:22.1    175  Ron Woelfel, Green Valley           69  M65-69       7    M    42
   83     56:42.5  18:15.2    204  Joanne Nash, Green Valley           67  F65-69       7    F    40
   84     56:43.3  18:15.4    203  Don Nash, Green Valley              66  M65-69       8    M    43
   85     57:59.8  18:40.1    225  Susan Calder, Tucson                64  F60-64      11    F    41
   86     58:01.1  18:40.5    199  Pat Ghoca, Green Valley             63  F60-64      12    F    42
   87     59:24.3  19:07.3    206  Phil Opdenbrouw, Green Valley       67  M65-69       9    M    44
   88     59:25.6  19:07.7    124  Derrill Jackson, Green Valley       73  M70-74      10    M    45
   89     59:27.3  19:08.2    186  Al Geers, Green Valley              67  M65-69      10    M    46
   90     59:48.6  19:15.1    142  Carol Mutter, Green Valley          66  F65-69       8    F    43
   91     59:50.1  19:15.5    143  Doug Mutter, Green Valley           66  M65-69      11    M    47
   92   1:07:16.1  21:39.1    174  Shane Wittnam, Vail                  4  M01-09       3    M    48
   93   1:07:16.1  21:39.1    224  Carol Toohey, Horseshoe bay         60  F60-64      13    F    44
   94   1:07:16.1  21:39.1    171  Cindy Wittnam, Vail                 35  F35-39       2    F    45
   95   1:07:38.5  21:46.3    172  Maisy Wittnam, Vail                  2  F01-09       1    F    46
   96   1:07:38.5  21:46.3    221  Joe Toohey, Horseshoe bay           58  M55-59       4    M    49
   97   1:25:25.1  27:29.6    149  David Schneider, Tucson             65  M65-69      12    M    50

Division Results


Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     17:39.8   5:41.1    163  Robert Seaman, Dirty South          36
    2     17:40.9   5:41.5    165  Craig Curley, Tucson                27
    3     21:11.8   6:49.4    166  Andrew Arias, Rio Rico              17
    4     22:34.9   7:16.1    106  Alec Briones, Sahuarita             62
    5     25:07.4   8:05.2    169  Channing Porter, Sahuarita           9
    6     25:08.9   8:05.7    176  Ray Kunselman, Laramie              73
    7     25:13.1   8:07.1    214  Chris Bellows, Green valley         42
    8     25:16.3   8:08.0    192  Joseph Ciaramitaro, Tucson          65
    9     25:31.3   8:12.9    220  Steve Taggart, Tucson               53
   10     25:57.8   8:21.4    160  John Van Veldhuizen, Green Valley   65
   11     26:34.5   8:33.3    126  Hank Larsen, GLENCOE                74
   12     27:49.8   8:57.5    120  Gary Giese, Tucson                  71
   13     28:03.3   9:01.8    187  John Oyala, Green Valley            72
   14     29:39.1   9:32.7    162  Peter Zeh, Green Valley             68
   15     29:51.8   9:36.7    128  Jay Lindbergh, Tucson               63
   16     30:01.5   9:39.8    208  Mike Fenner, Green valley           66
   17     31:14.4  10:03.3    156  Gregory Thomas, Sterling Heights    57
   18     31:45.5  10:13.3    114  Alvaro Enciso, Tucson               69
   19     32:51.8  10:34.7    227  Jan Thompson, Green valley          76
   20     33:17.0  10:42.8    180  Pat Hendershott, Green Valley       75
   21     33:35.0  10:48.6    194  Robert Rand, Green Valley           70
   22     34:19.8  11:03.0    207  Russell Riroder, Green Valley       64
   23     36:17.1  11:40.7    132  Jim Mandel, Tucson                  66
   24     36:52.0  11:52.0    500  Diego Farjado, Tucson               13
   25     36:52.0  11:52.0    501  Farjado Jp, Tucson                  51
   26     37:30.1  12:04.3    121  William (Bill) Gugins, Green Valley 73
   27     37:53.8  12:11.9    134  John McGee, Green Valley            73
   28     38:43.6  12:27.9    200  Carmen Augustin, Green Valley       72
   29     38:45.8  12:28.6    110  Jerry Devnick, Green Valley         64
   30     40:52.1  13:09.3    182  Richard Oscarson, Green Valley      61
   31     41:43.1  13:25.7    138  Dwight Monberg, Green Valley        56
   32     44:48.1  14:25.2    112  Brad Dubuc, Green Valley            55
   33     48:09.5  15:30.0    157  Glenn Thompson, Green Valley        67
   34     49:13.3  15:50.6    131  Ray Malaski, Oracle                 63
   35     49:21.8  15:53.3    170  Auley Wittnam, Vail                  7
   36     49:25.1  15:54.4    222  Michael Shultz, Sahuarita           29
   37     49:25.3  15:54.4    173  Matt Wittnam, Vail                  37
   38     49:39.3  15:59.0    228  Harry Waldapfel, Tucson             60
   39     50:50.8  16:22.0    154  Brad Smith, Sahuarita               63
   40     53:10.8  17:07.0    104  James Bottlinger, Green Valley      74
   41     53:20.3  17:10.1    217  Marylynne Fischer, Green valley     74
   42     53:57.8  17:22.1    175  Ron Woelfel, Green Valley           69
   43     56:43.3  18:15.4    203  Don Nash, Green Valley              66
   44     59:24.3  19:07.3    206  Phil Opdenbrouw, Green Valley       67
   45     59:25.6  19:07.7    124  Derrill Jackson, Green Valley       73
   46     59:27.3  19:08.2    186  Al Geers, Green Valley              67
   47     59:50.1  19:15.5    143  Doug Mutter, Green Valley           66
   48   1:07:16.1  21:39.1    174  Shane Wittnam, Vail                  4
   49   1:07:38.5  21:46.3    221  Joe Toohey, Horseshoe bay           58
   50   1:25:25.1  27:29.6    149  David Schneider, Tucson             65


Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     21:21.5   6:52.5    219  Sharon Kolarik, Tucson              56
    2     23:51.4   7:40.7    215  Emily Mass, Tucson                  24
    3     25:42.6   8:16.5    164  Janeth Vega, Mexico                 23
    4     26:06.1   8:24.1    209  Stacy Cunningham, Green valley      42
    5     26:26.4   8:30.6    216  Amy Jo Taormina, Sahuarita          41
    6     26:59.6   8:41.3    183  Mary-Jean Cooley, Green Valley      54
    7     27:33.6   8:52.3    218  Jean Bustard, Tucson                57
    8     28:30.0   9:10.4    117  Nancy Fuller, Tucson                64
    9     30:08.8   9:42.2    150  MJ Schrupp, Green Valley            63
   10     30:40.9   9:52.5    136  Margaret McNamara, Green Valley     60
   11     30:59.9   9:58.6    196  Megan Phaneuf, Nogales              35
   12     32:07.3  10:20.3    130  Gretchen Malaski, Oracle            65
   13     33:02.3  10:38.0    231  Patricia Stern, Tucson              45
   14     33:11.8  10:41.1    115  Shirley Fearheiley, Harrisburg      56
   15     33:28.5  10:46.5    137  Maryellen Mencimer, Green Valley    67
   16     33:48.9  10:53.0    145  Cheryl Palen, Green Valley          61
   17     34:58.6  11:15.5    210  Vicki Gricius, Vail                 57
   18     36:02.6  11:36.1    118  Karen Gallagher, Tucson             64
   19     36:15.8  11:40.4    119  Mary Ganapol, Tucson                59
   20     38:26.5  12:22.4    127  Alaina Levine, Tucson               40
   21     38:42.6  12:27.6    201  Sandra Augustin, Green Valley       70
   22     39:47.8  12:48.6    129  Connie Lopez, Tucson                64
   23     40:04.6  12:54.0    135  Peggy McGee, Green Valley           70
   24     40:24.8  13:00.5    159  Kathy Tucker, Green Valley          67
   25     40:51.1  13:08.9    181  Kristine Oscarson, Green Valley     59
   26     42:01.6  13:31.7    101  Marie Barth, Green Valley           71
   27     45:31.3  14:39.1    107  Merle Capps, Sahuarita              71
   28     46:27.3  14:57.2    140  Peggy Mulcahy, Green Valley         58
   29     46:28.5  14:57.5    191  Martha Oyala, Green Valley          69
   30     48:40.1  15:39.9    158  Louise Thompson, Green Valley       63
   31     48:41.1  15:40.2    122  Geneva Halliday, Tucson             63
   32     49:23.3  15:53.8    223  Amy Helland, Tucson                 32
   33     50:49.8  16:21.6    109  Colleen Curran, Green Valley        61
   34     51:54.5  16:42.5    213  Janna Culberg, Green valley         75
   35     53:01.8  17:04.2    185  Judy Hayes, Green Valley            65
   36     53:03.6  17:04.7    184  Linda Bishop, Green Valley          61
   37     53:06.1  17:05.5    105  Jane Bottlinger, Green Valley       66
   38     53:08.6  17:06.3    202  Anne Jones, Green Valley            70
   39     53:20.6  17:10.2    197  Nancy Lammers, Green Valley         72
   40     56:42.5  18:15.2    204  Joanne Nash, Green Valley           67
   41     57:59.8  18:40.1    225  Susan Calder, Tucson                64
   42     58:01.1  18:40.5    199  Pat Ghoca, Green Valley             63
   43     59:48.6  19:15.1    142  Carol Mutter, Green Valley          66
   44   1:07:16.1  21:39.1    224  Carol Toohey, Horseshoe bay         60
   45   1:07:16.1  21:39.1    171  Cindy Wittnam, Vail                 35
   46   1:07:38.5  21:46.3    172  Maisy Wittnam, Vail                  2

Division: M01-09

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     25:07.4   8:05.2    169  Channing Porter, Sahuarita           9
    2     49:21.8  15:53.3    170  Auley Wittnam, Vail                  7
    3   1:07:16.1  21:39.1    174  Shane Wittnam, Vail                  4

Division: M10-19

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     21:11.8   6:49.4    166  Andrew Arias, Rio Rico              17
    2     36:52.0  11:52.0    500  Diego Farjado, Tucson               13

Division: M25-29

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     17:40.9   5:41.5    165  Craig Curley, Tucson                27
    2     49:25.1  15:54.4    222  Michael Shultz, Sahuarita           29

Division: M35-39

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     17:39.8   5:41.1    163  Robert Seaman, Dirty South          36
    2     49:25.3  15:54.4    173  Matt Wittnam, Vail                  37

Division: M40-44

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     25:13.1   8:07.1    214  Chris Bellows, Green valley         42

Division: M50-54

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     25:31.3   8:12.9    220  Steve Taggart, Tucson               53
    2     36:52.0  11:52.0    501  Farjado Jp, Tucson                  51

Division: M55-59

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     31:14.4  10:03.3    156  Gregory Thomas, Sterling Heights    57
    2     41:43.1  13:25.7    138  Dwight Monberg, Green Valley        56
    3     44:48.1  14:25.2    112  Brad Dubuc, Green Valley            55
    4   1:07:38.5  21:46.3    221  Joe Toohey, Horseshoe bay           58

Division: M60-64

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     22:34.9   7:16.1    106  Alec Briones, Sahuarita             62
    2     25:57.8   8:21.4    160  John Van Veldhuizen, Green Valley   65
    3     29:51.8   9:36.7    128  Jay Lindbergh, Tucson               63
    4     34:19.8  11:03.0    207  Russell Riroder, Green Valley       64
    5     38:45.8  12:28.6    110  Jerry Devnick, Green Valley         64
    6     40:52.1  13:09.3    182  Richard Oscarson, Green Valley      61
    7     49:13.3  15:50.6    131  Ray Malaski, Oracle                 63
    8     49:39.3  15:59.0    228  Harry Waldapfel, Tucson             60
    9     50:50.8  16:22.0    154  Brad Smith, Sahuarita               63

Division: M65-69

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     25:16.3   8:08.0    192  Joseph Ciaramitaro, Tucson          65
    2     29:39.1   9:32.7    162  Peter Zeh, Green Valley             68
    3     30:01.5   9:39.8    208  Mike Fenner, Green valley           66
    4     31:45.5  10:13.3    114  Alvaro Enciso, Tucson               69
    5     36:17.1  11:40.7    132  Jim Mandel, Tucson                  66
    6     48:09.5  15:30.0    157  Glenn Thompson, Green Valley        67
    7     53:57.8  17:22.1    175  Ron Woelfel, Green Valley           69
    8     56:43.3  18:15.4    203  Don Nash, Green Valley              66
    9     59:24.3  19:07.3    206  Phil Opdenbrouw, Green Valley       67
   10     59:27.3  19:08.2    186  Al Geers, Green Valley              67
   11     59:50.1  19:15.5    143  Doug Mutter, Green Valley           66
   12   1:25:25.1  27:29.6    149  David Schneider, Tucson             65

Division: M70-74

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     25:08.9   8:05.7    176  Ray Kunselman, Laramie              73
    2     26:34.5   8:33.3    126  Hank Larsen, GLENCOE                74
    3     27:49.8   8:57.5    120  Gary Giese, Tucson                  71
    4     28:03.3   9:01.8    187  John Oyala, Green Valley            72
    5     33:35.0  10:48.6    194  Robert Rand, Green Valley           70
    6     37:30.1  12:04.3    121  William (Bill) Gugins, Green Valley 73
    7     37:53.8  12:11.9    134  John McGee, Green Valley            73
    8     38:43.6  12:27.9    200  Carmen Augustin, Green Valley       72
    9     53:10.8  17:07.0    104  James Bottlinger, Green Valley      74
   10     59:25.6  19:07.7    124  Derrill Jackson, Green Valley       73

Division: M75-99

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     32:51.8  10:34.7    227  Jan Thompson, Green valley          76
    2     33:17.0  10:42.8    180  Pat Hendershott, Green Valley       75

Division: F01-09

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1   1:07:38.5  21:46.3    172  Maisy Wittnam, Vail                  2

Division: F20-24

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     23:51.4   7:40.7    215  Emily Mass, Tucson                  24
    2     25:42.6   8:16.5    164  Janeth Vega, Mexico                 23

Division: F30-34

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     49:23.3  15:53.8    223  Amy Helland, Tucson                 32

Division: F35-39

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     30:59.9   9:58.6    196  Megan Phaneuf, Nogales              35
    2   1:07:16.1  21:39.1    171  Cindy Wittnam, Vail                 35

Division: F40-44

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     26:06.1   8:24.1    209  Stacy Cunningham, Green valley      42
    2     26:26.4   8:30.6    216  Amy Jo Taormina, Sahuarita          41
    3     38:26.5  12:22.4    127  Alaina Levine, Tucson               40

Division: F45-49

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     33:02.3  10:38.0    231  Patricia Stern, Tucson              45

Division: F50-54

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     26:59.6   8:41.3    183  Mary-Jean Cooley, Green Valley      54

Division: F55-59

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     21:21.5   6:52.5    219  Sharon Kolarik, Tucson              56
    2     27:33.6   8:52.3    218  Jean Bustard, Tucson                57
    3     33:11.8  10:41.1    115  Shirley Fearheiley, Harrisburg      56
    4     34:58.6  11:15.5    210  Vicki Gricius, Vail                 57
    5     36:15.8  11:40.4    119  Mary Ganapol, Tucson                59
    6     40:51.1  13:08.9    181  Kristine Oscarson, Green Valley     59
    7     46:27.3  14:57.2    140  Peggy Mulcahy, Green Valley         58

Division: F60-64

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     28:30.0   9:10.4    117  Nancy Fuller, Tucson                64
    2     30:08.8   9:42.2    150  MJ Schrupp, Green Valley            63
    3     30:40.9   9:52.5    136  Margaret McNamara, Green Valley     60
    4     33:48.9  10:53.0    145  Cheryl Palen, Green Valley          61
    5     36:02.6  11:36.1    118  Karen Gallagher, Tucson             64
    6     39:47.8  12:48.6    129  Connie Lopez, Tucson                64
    7     48:40.1  15:39.9    158  Louise Thompson, Green Valley       63
    8     48:41.1  15:40.2    122  Geneva Halliday, Tucson             63
    9     50:49.8  16:21.6    109  Colleen Curran, Green Valley        61
   10     53:03.6  17:04.7    184  Linda Bishop, Green Valley          61
   11     57:59.8  18:40.1    225  Susan Calder, Tucson                64
   12     58:01.1  18:40.5    199  Pat Ghoca, Green Valley             63
   13   1:07:16.1  21:39.1    224  Carol Toohey, Horseshoe bay         60

Division: F65-69

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     32:07.3  10:20.3    130  Gretchen Malaski, Oracle            65
    2     33:28.5  10:46.5    137  Maryellen Mencimer, Green Valley    67
    3     40:24.8  13:00.5    159  Kathy Tucker, Green Valley          67
    4     46:28.5  14:57.5    191  Martha Oyala, Green Valley          69
    5     53:01.8  17:04.2    185  Judy Hayes, Green Valley            65
    6     53:06.1  17:05.5    105  Jane Bottlinger, Green Valley       66
    7     56:42.5  18:15.2    204  Joanne Nash, Green Valley           67
    8     59:48.6  19:15.1    142  Carol Mutter, Green Valley          66

Division: F70-74

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     38:42.6  12:27.6    201  Sandra Augustin, Green Valley       70
    2     40:04.6  12:54.0    135  Peggy McGee, Green Valley           70
    3     42:01.6  13:31.7    101  Marie Barth, Green Valley           71
    4     45:31.3  14:39.1    107  Merle Capps, Sahuarita              71
    5     53:08.6  17:06.3    202  Anne Jones, Green Valley            70
    6     53:20.3  17:10.1    217  Marylynne Fischer, Green valley     74
    7     53:20.6  17:10.2    197  Nancy Lammers, Green Valley         72

Division: F75-99

Place     Time      Pace     Bib#              Name/City              Age 
    1     51:54.5  16:42.5    213  Janna Culberg, Green valley         75

Timing and scoring with PocketTimer Pro for iPad
from Stevens Creek Software